CEO Review

The single most valuable thing your board can do to ensure the organization’s success: Help your CEO to thrive. With a proper review, you can empower your executive and provide actionable feedback that fosters high performance.


Performance-enhancing Feedback for Your CEO

At last, an objective performance evaluation that can be customized to meet your organization's needs

Don't just measure CEO performance, help elevate it through a review process that delivers actionable feedback across nine areas of leadership.

Boards and CEOs alike tell us that Boardspan's CEO Review provides more valuable, concrete feedback than typical reviews and removes the friction often associated with the process.

The CEO, executive team, and board members provide quantitative and qualitative input, which is aggregated and presented in an objective, de-personalized report.

CEO Report

Actionable Results & Insights

A thorough, objective review provides a roadmap to ongoing leadership success
  • Collects feedback on nine different leadership competencies, perceived strengths and weaknesses, and progress toward annual goals
  • Solicits honest and unbiased feedback which is aggregated to ensure confidentiality
  • Results delivered in a de-personalized report that is customized by Boardspan to offer actionable recommendations for executive development
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